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PRISM maintains a series of tutorials on various statistical procedures and software. 

Many of the documents were created for the PRISM Brownbag Luncheons or the PRISM Speaker Series

Preparing for OSU's Political Science PhD Program

Data Management

Software Introductions

Statistical Models

Statistics Corner Archive

PRISM Library

PRISM maintains a library of methodological textbooks and statistical software reference material that are available for faculty, students, and staff to check out. 

The library is located in Derby 2049Q. 

R Resources

  • Swirl: An R package which contains tutorials which run in the console, so that you can follow along to practice coding.
  • R for Data Science: A new book by Hadley Wickham (of ggplot2 fame) which is the latest word on building a universe of R tools that play nicely with each other for data analysis. The book + code are available online, for free.