Many of our undergraduate students assist our world-renowned faculty on their research, or design and pursue their own research projects.
Two Degree Options for Students Conducting Independent Research
Honors Research Distinction in Political Science
With or without an Honors Contract, a student may elect to pursue an independent research project leading to the BA with Honors Research Distinction. An overall GPA of 3.4 is required and the major point-hour ratio must be at least 3.5. Students must take a minimum of three (3) hours in Political Science 4999H.
Research Distinction in Political Science
Students who are not enrolled in the Honors program may graduate with Research Distinction by writing a thesis. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required, and students must take at least four (4) hours in Political Science 4999. Make an appointment with your academic advisor to discuss graduating with Research Distinction.

Work with Dr. Box-Steffensmeier on a Research Project at OSU
Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier, Vernal Riffe Professor of Political Science at OSU, regularly employs undergraduate students to work on various research projects.
Students who are interested in continuing their studies in graduate school, who may want to write a thesis related to one of the research projects, who are able to be involved in a research project for a while, or who have technical skills, will be most competitive for this opportunity.
If you are a current OSU student and are interested in working on one of her research projects, you will find more information and Dr. Box-Steffensmeier's application here.
Additional Opportunities
Schedule a Consultation Appointment
Are you interested in undergraduate research, but don't know where to start? Review the Steps to Getting Started or contact UGResearchAdvising@osu.edu to inquire about introductory materials to get started in research as an undergraduate student. Once you have reviewed this material, you can set up an advising appointment to ask questions and get more specific information for your situation.
Present at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum
The annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum is an opportunity for undergraduate students to share their research with members and friends of the Ohio State community. Check the Denman Forum for more information.
Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)
The Ohio State University has partnered with the Big Ten Academic Alliance to offer the Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) to minority undergraduate students who plan to pursue graduate school and research focused careers. The Program assigns mentors to each student as they work through an intensive research course load.
The schools in the Big Ten Academic Alliance work with one another to "advance their academic missions, generate unique opportunities for students and faculty, and serve the common good by sharing expertise, leveraging campus resources, and collaborating on innovative programs". The Program is funded by the Provosts of each member university.