Post Graduate Placement

The OSU Department of Political Science has an excellent placement record. Our graduates have been highly successful in securing positions at major research universities and liberal arts colleges, while others have pursued non-academic careers in government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. Rather than providing a sample of notable placement success, we provide below a list of our placements. This includes all the data we have regarding where all of our Ph.Ds. since 2004 were placed or are currently employed.

Our department has placed a steady stream of Ph.Ds. in top positions over the past two decades. In fact, a study showed that Ohio State Ph.Ds. in tenured and tenure-track positions elsewhere outnumber current OSU faculty by more than two to one, something that is true of fewer than twenty universities nationwide. 

Department of Political Science Placement, 2004 – 2025 

2025 Graduates

Maryum Alam, IR, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dartmouth College

Bear Brown, AP, Assistant Professor of American Politics, Colin Powell School, City College of New York

Abigail Kielty, AP, Senior Quantitative Researcher, Slack

José Pérez, CP, Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics, Texas A&M University-San Antonio

Haoming Xiong, IR, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

2024 Graduates

Martin Armstrong, PT, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science and Sociology, Murray State University

Andrew Goodhart, IR, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Victoria Gurevich, IR, Research Analyst, Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Daniel Naftel, AP, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University Kennedy School of Government

Chris Ray, IR, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Security and Conflict Studies, George Washington University 

2023 Graduates

Soohyun Cho, CP, Postdoctoral Fellow, Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance, Princeton University; future Assistant Professor, Bowdoin College

Kaitlin Engelbrecht, AP, Survey Consultant, National Democratic Institute

Mackenzie Erickson, AP, Analytic Scientist, Nationwide

Kara Hooser, IR, Assistant Instructional Professor, Committee on International Relations, University of Chicago

Minseon Ku, IR, Postdoctoral Fellow, Diplomacy Project at the Global Research Institute and a faculty affiliate at the Department of Government, William & Mary; NCAFP’s Korea Peninsula Emerging Leaders Program 2024 cohort; Postdoctoral Fellow, Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College

Mariana Miguelez Gomez, CP, Research Assistant, Hamilton College

Laura Moses, AP, Plurality Institute

David Peterson, IR, Assistant Instructional Professor, Computational Social Science, University of Chicago; former Postdoctoral Fellow, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan

Mael van Beek, IR, Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University

2022 Graduates

Vladimir Chlouba, CP, Assistant Professor, University of Richmond, former Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Notre Dame

Erik Clarke, Associate Scientist, The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine 

Liwu Gan, PT, Faculty Fellow, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University

John Harden, IR, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College; formerly at Ripon College

Dong Hye Kim, PT, Yonsei University

Caleb Pomeroy, IR, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto; former Stanton Fellow, Stanford University; former Postdoctoral Fellow, Dartmouth College

Grant Sharratt, PT, Data Analyst, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company 

Matthew Spearly, Analytic Scientist, Enterprise Analytics Office, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company 

Seoeun Yang, ME, Assistant Professor, Northeastern University

2021 Graduates

Alec Clott, CP, Associate Director of Data Analysis, The Gender Equity Policy Institute

Jared Edgerton, IR, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Dallas; former Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University

Liwu Gan, IR, Postdoctoral Fellow, Syracuse University

Ricardo Graiff Garcia, Data Scientist, Nationwide Insurance

Charles Harpole, CP, Health Policy Senior Analyst, Abt Associates

Jianzi He, CP, Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Duke Kunshan University, Professor at Fudan University

Jon Kingzette, Senior Data Analyst, Campbell & Company

Kevin Simmt, Lecturer, California Polytechnic State University

Linnea Turco, Assistant Instructional Professor, University of Chicago

Brandon Zaffini, IR, Professor at Geneva College

2020 Graduates

Miguel Garza Casado, CP, Research Associate, MDRC

Jonathan Green, AP/Methods, Assistant Professor, Duke University; former Postdoctoral Fellow, Northeastern University

Daniel Kent, IR, Data Scientist, Udemy; former Data Scientist, Kaiser

Andrew Podob, Principal UX Researcher, UnitedHealthcare; former Research Manager, Reason Research

Mini Saraswati, CP, Director of Research, Strategy, and Analysis, Sierra Club; former Deputy Director of Research and Innovation, Voter Participation Center (2020-2021)

Gregory Smith, IR, Assistant Professor of Political Science for the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University; former Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University; former Postdoctoral Fellow, Dartmouth's Dickey Center for International Understanding

Leyla Tosun, CP, Senior Research Analytics Specialist, Government Research Center, The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Iku Yoshimoto, IR, Lecturer at University of Tokyo

2019 Graduates

Eli Assaf, Data Scientist, Humana; former Data Scientist, Disney

Benjamin Campbell, IR, Data Scientist, CoverMyMeds, Aware

Alexandra Castillo, CP, Research Methodologist, Pew Center

Caitlin Clary, IR, Data Scientist, Biostat Global Consulting

Jose Fortou Reyes, CP, EAFIT University in Medellín, Colombia

Austin Knuppe, IR, Assistant Professor, Utah State University; former Postdoctoral fellow, Dartmouth

Reed Kurtz, IR Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science at Purdue University; former Postdoctoral Research Affiliate, Mershon Center for International Security Studies; former Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History and Political Science, Otterbein University

Adam Lauretig, IR, Data Scientist, Barclays Investment Bank

Will Massengill, AP, Associate Data Scientist, Florida Blue

Anna Meyerrose, CP, Assistant Professor for School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University; former Postdoctoral fellow at the Princeton University Niehous Center for Globalization and Governance (2021-2022) 

Andrew Rosenberg, IR, Assistant Professor, University of Florida

Avery White, IR, Program Assistant, Ohio State University

2018 Graduates

Aisha Bradshaw, IR, Associate Editor, Nature Human Behavior

Alison Craig, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin

Kyle Larson, IR, Capital University

Nicky Mack, AP, Ohio Wesleyan University

John Raines, IR, Head of Political Risk

Peter Tunkis, CP, Senior Customer Advocacy Insights Specialist

Wei-Ting Yen, CP, Assistant Professor of Government Department, Franklin and Marshall College, 2019; former Postdoctoral Fellow, Denison University

2017 Graduates

Alison Craig, AP,  Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin

Raphael Cunha, CP,  Assistant Professor, Florida State University 2018; former Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University 2017

Nicholas Felts, Kettering Foundation

Margaret Hanson, CP, Assistant Professor, Arizona State University, 2018; former Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, 2017

Gabriella Lloyd, CP, Operations Research Analyst and Data Scientist for The Department of the Navy; Assistant Professor of International Relations, University of Maryland, 2018; former Postdoctoral Fellow, Binghamton University

Jakob Miller, AP, Taylor University

Lauren Ratliff Santoro, AP, University of Texas at Dallas

Daniel Silverman, IR, Carnegie Mellon University; former Postdoctoral Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University

2016 Graduates

Paul DeBell, CP, Fort Lewis College

Marina Duque, IR, Florida State University, 2018; former Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University, 2017; former Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University, 2016

Lauren Elliott-Dorans, AP, Ohio University

Sebastian Mainville, IR, Visiting Researcher, Center for International Peace and Security Studies, McGill University

Vittorio Merola, CP, Stony Brooks University, 2017; former Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse, Toulouse School of Economics

2015 Graduates

Dustin Carnahan, AP, Michigan State University

Eun Bin Chung, IR, University of Utah

Jessica Defenderfer, AP, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Agnar Helgason, CP, Social Research Center, University of Iceland

Yalidy Matos, AP, Rutgers University, 2017; former Postdoctoral Fellow, Brown University

Jason Morgan, Data Scientist, Aware 

Katy Powers, IR, University of Georgia, 2016; former Postdoctoral Fellow, Dartmouth University

2014 Graduates

Sarah Bryner, AP, Director, Research Department at the Center for Responsive Politics

Nyron Crawford, AP, Temple University

Matt Hitt, AP, Louisiana State University

Jason Keiber, IR, Baldwin Wallace; Otterbein University

Cheryl Laird, AP, Saint Louis University

Thiago Marzagão, CP, Brazilian antitrust agency (CADE - Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica)

Eleonora Mattiaci, IR, Post-Doc Amherst College

John Oates, IR, Florida International University

2013 Graduates

Austin Carson, IR, University of Chicago; former postdoc, Princeton University

Djayadi Hanan, IR, University of Paramadina, Jakarta

Benjamin Jones, IR, University of Mississippi

Joshua Kertzer, IR, Assistant Professor, Harvard University, 2014; former post-doc, Dartmouth College, 2013

Shivaji Kumar, IR, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Daniel Lempert, AP, SUNY-Potsdam

Emily Lynch, AP, APSA Congressional Fellow, 2013-2014

Fernando Nuñez-Mietz, IR, McGill University

David Traven, IR, Kenyon College

2012 Graduates

Bentley Allan, IR, Johns Hopkins University

Zoltan Buzas, IR, Associate Professor of Global Affairs, Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame; Drexel University

J. Bryan Cole, AP, University of Houston

Seth Goldstein, IR, Booz Allen Hamilton

Dane Imerman, IR, Oberlin College

Chris Kypriotis, AP, Warren Wilson College

Xiaoyu Pu, IR, University of Nevada, Reno; former postdoc, Princeton University

Jiwon Suh, CP, Sogang University, Institute for East Asian Studies

Nina Kollars, IR, US Naval War College (Associate Professor); College of St. Benedict;

2011 Graduates

Quintin Beazer, CP, Florida State University; former postdoc, Yale University

A. Burcu Bayram, IR, University of Arkansas: McMaster University, Canada; UT Arlington

Vanessa Bouche, AP, Texas Christian University

Sarah Bryner, AP, Center for Responsive Politics

Jeffrey Budziak, AP, Western Kentucky University

Soundarya Chidambaram, CP, University of Arkansas – Fayetteville (visiting)

Christopher Devine, AP, Mount Vernon Nazarene University

Erin Graham, IR, Associate Professor of Global Affairs, Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame; Drexel University; former postdoc, Princeton University

Erik Heidemann, AP, Kent State University

Marcus Holmes, IR, Fordham University

Todd Makse, AP, Susquehanna University

Steven Nawara, AP, Valdosta State University

Scott Powell, CP, University of Tennessee – Knoxville

Yoonah Oh, CP, Korea Institute for Economic Policy, Seoul, South Korea

Allyson Shortle, AP, University of Oklahoma – Norman

Kathleen Winters, AP, Old Dominion University

Dana Wittmer, AP, Colorado College (Colorado Springs, CO)

2010 Graduates

Daniel Blake, IR, IE Business School; former post-doc, Princeton

Dino Christenson, AP, Boston University

Delton Daigle, AP, George Mason University

Eric Grynaviski, IR, George Washington University

TongFi Kim, IR, Griffith University; Purdue University (visiting)

Kyle Kopko, AP, Elizabethtown College

Justin Lance, CP, Presbyterian College

Danielle Langfield, CP, College of Wooster (visiting)

Todd Makse, AP, Radford University (visiting)

Sarah Sokhey, CP, University of Colorado-Boulder

Byungwon Woo, IR, Oakland University

Christina Xydias, CP, Union College (visiting)

Kadir Yildirim, CP, Post-Doc, Princeton

2009 Graduates

Richard Arnold, CP, Muskingum College

Lakeyta Bonnette, AP, Georgia State University

Tom Dolan, IR, University of Central Florida; Rochester

Delia Dumitrescu, CP, Post-Doc, University of Montreal

Nanaho Hanada, CP, St. Olaf College (visiting)

Erin McAdams, AP, College of Charleston

Zachary Mears, IR, Analyst, Private Sector

Banks Miller, AP, University of Texas-Dallas

Dag Mossige, CP, Davidson College (visiting)

Autumn Payton, IR, Post-Doc, European University Inst.

Tina Pierce, AP, Denison University (visiting)

Amanda Rosen, IR, Webster University

Michael Reese, IR, University of Chicago/CIR (visiting)

Yusuf Safarti, CP, Illinois State University

Anand Sokhey, AP, University of Colorado-Boulder

Konstantin Vossing, CP, Humboldt University (Berlin)

2008 Graduates

Kuskridho Ambardi, CP, Gadjah Mada University

Samuel DeCanio, AP, Yale University

Ryan Kennedy, CP, University of Houston

Katja Michalak, CP/AP, University of Bulgaria

Christopher Moore, IR, Bethel University

Bradley Nelson, IR, Analyst, Private Sector

Eric Russell, AP, Auburn University

Anna Shadley, CP, The Ohio State University (Administration)

Corwin Smidt, AP, Michigan State University

Yohanes Sulaiman, IR, Analyst, Ctr for Dem., Int. Peace and Sec. Stud. (Jakarta)

Srdjan Vcetic, IR, Univ of Ottawa; former post-doc, Cambridge

Sean Williams, AP, Analyst, Private Sector

Unislawa Wszolek, IR, Spelman College

2007 Graduates

Dinissa Duvanova, CP, SUNY Buffalo

Roman Ivanchenko, AP, Analyst, Joint Welfare Analysis Center

Natalie Kistner, CP, James Madison University

Nathan Toronto, IR, Analyst, Foreign Military Studies Office, Ft. Leavenworth

Linda Trautman, AP, Ohio University, Lancaster

Dinna Wisnu, CP, USAID, World Learning Respect Program, Deputy Director

2006 Graduates

Brandon Bartels, AP, George Washington University; Stony Brook University

Ray Block, AP, University; Wisconsin -- LaCrosse; Florida St. U

Jong Kun Choi, IR, Post-doc, Yonsei University, South Korea

Bridget Coggins, IR, Dartmouth College

Paul Fritz, IR, Hofstra University

Yoav Gortzak, IR, Arizona State University

Amu Oakes, IR, College of William and Mary

Brent Strathman, IR, Dartmouth (visiting)

2005 Graduates

William Anderson, AP, University of South Dakota

Brett Curry, AP, Georgia Southern University

Gregory Gwiasda, AP, Analyst, Private Sector

Andrew Holbrook, AP, University of New Orleans

Hiram Irizarry-Osorio, CP, Analyst, Kirwan Institute, OSU

Robert Kelly, CP, University of the Pacific

Jeffrey Martinson, IR, Meredith College

Scott Orr, CP, Texas Lutheran University

Justin Taylor, AP, Analyst, Private Sector

2004 Graduates

Eileen Braman, AP, University of Indiana

Andrew Farrell, AP, University of Oklahoma (visiting)

Yoram Haftel, IR, University of Illinois - Chicago

Blair King, AP, Analyst, National Democratic Inst for Int. Affairs

Gregory Miller, IR, University of Oklahoma; College of William & Mary

J. Quin Monson, AP, Brigham Young University

Kenneth Mulligan, AP, Southern Illinois, Carbondale

Jason Mycoff, AP, University of Delaware

Mary Outwater, AP, Director, Oklahoma University Poll

Julie Anne S. Peterson, AP, Analyst, Private Sector

Kevin Sweeney, IR, Analyst, Department of Defense

Wendy Watson, AP, Southern Methodist University; University of North Texas;

Margaret Williams, AP, Goucher College; James Madison University

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