Application for Grant Proposal Development Support
The Department of Political Science welcomes applicants from among its faculty for summer support [up to $10,000 (with the potential for an additional $5,000 if deemed absolutely necessary for the research) dependent on funds availability] designed to facilitate the creation and submission of applications for substantial external grants related to Socio-Political Analysis and AI proposal themes.
Submissions will be evaluated by a committee of faculty members (who are not among the applicants) selected by the chair. Review of proposals will be anonymous as to submitter.
Faculty members seeking support should submit a one-page statement by midnight on March 21, 2025 that includes the following information:
- A title
- A description of the research purpose and intellectual merit of the funding proposal.
- A discussion of the funding sources to which application will be made, the scale of funding that will be sought, and purposes for which the funding will be used.
- A discussion of the relationship between the funding proposal and the goals of the Socio-Political Analysis and AI Good-to-Great grant. The text of the funded GTG grant is available on the Political Science GTG web page.
- Please list any other support you have received via the GTG initiative
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated competitively. The crucial criteria for evaluation include:
- The intellectual merit of the proposed research.
- The degree of fit to Sociopolitical Analysis and AI grant goals.
- The scale of the grant proposal and/or the likelihood that funding will be successful.
Additional desiderata (but not requirements) include the following:
- Applications from faculty who have to date not had a strong history of making substantial external grant applications.
- Grant funding applications that include support for graduate student and/or post-doctoral collaborators.
- Not having previously received support for grant development from the GTG initiative.
Please submit your proposal to Becca Martin (