Being a student at The Ohio State means opportunities for engagement and learning, both in the classroom and in the wider campus and Columbus areas. Beyond the classroom, you can find your niche in one of the more than 1,400 student organizations, take part in service learning and volunteer opportunities or complete an internship at the State capitol or in your other areas of interest. Many political science students are active in clubs on campus, including those listed below.
For a full list of student organizations, visit the Ohio Union's student organization directory. Interested students can also learn about student organizations and talk to club representatives at the annual Student Involvement Fair, held at the beginning of every autumn semester on the Oval.
Collegiate Council on World Affairs

The Collegiate Council on World Affairs (CCWA) is a student organization that focuses on developing a clear understanding of international politics and diplomacy among its members. CCWA participates in a variety of activities, most notably Model United Nations and advocates for global humanitarian causes through the campus chapter of the United Nations Association.
Each year CCWA hosts three conferences, representing various United Nations and Regional Bodies for college students, and one for high school students. CCWA travels to conferences around the country to compete in Model United Nations on a national stage and participates in a host of other world affairs activities with the Department of Political Science and other Columbus and University organizations to create a vibrant realm for world affairs and international students.
General Body Meetings: Wednesdays from 7:30-8:30pm
United Nations Association Meetings: Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00pm
Model United Nations Trainings: Mondays from 5:00-6:00pm
High School Model United Nations Conference

One of the central components of CCWA's programming is Model United Nations, which serves as a forum for high-level debate on world issues and policy. In addition to hosting several intramural and intercollegiate Model United Nations Conferences throughout the year, CCWA also facilitates one of the newest conferences on the high school circuit, with aspirations to make it one of the best in the Midwest and the nation. The Ohio State University Model United Nations or OSUMUN (pronounced Ah-soo-muhn) strives to provide the ultimate Model United Nations experience to high school students. With innovative use of technology in the Ohio Union, creative committees and a large and excited staff, CCWA hosted the inaugural conference in 2012. For more information on this year's conference, visit the OSUMUN website.
Alger Magazine

Alger Magazine is the official undergraduate international affairs magazine sponsored by the Department of Political Science. The organization brings together undergraduate students who are interested in writing and international affairs and have a passion for discussing global issues and improving journalist standards. Alger Magazine has a semiannual publication that compiles student submissions from Alger members.
Biweekly meetings often include discussions on recent international affairs news and journalism standards, collaborations with other journalism organizations, and writing sessions.
Alger Magazine Meetings: Biweekly, on Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00pm
The Alexander Hamilton Society

The Ohio State chapter of the Alexander Hamilton Society is dedicated to promoting constructive debate on contemporary issues in foreign, economic, and national security on the OSU campus by organizing debates among practitioners and academics on these topics. To connect with AHS and view upcoming events, visit their Facebook page.

Mock Trial
Mock Trial at Ohio State is an academic team that participates in competitions replicating a trial setting.
Through this valuable courtroom experience, participants are able to grow both their critical thinking and public speaking skills. The team competes at Mock Trial tournaments around the country and has competed in the American Mock Trial Association National Championship the past few years.
At the 2024 National Championship, the team placed 3rd in the country! The team then went on to place first at the 2024 Great American Mock Trial Invitational (GAMTI).
Check out the Mock Trial website for more information regarding their schedule this year, who the current "mockers" are and how you can join this highly competitive program.
Journal of Politics and International Affairs

The Journal of Politics and International Affairs (JPIA) is a student-run journal published through the Department of Political Science. The Journal is comprised of undergraduate papers on various subject in political science, solicited from colleges and universities around the country. For more information, visit the JPIA website.
Current Edition
Past Editions
College Democrats

The College Democrats at The Ohio State University are dedicated to promoting the ideals of the Democratic Party and to providing students with opportunities to be involved in the political process through informing them, progressing their political socialization, and empowering them. They keep those students connected after graduation by facilitating personal and professional relationships with Democratic individuals and organizations. The College Democrats at The Ohio State University strive to provide a forum for developing student interest in governmental affairs and the electoral process at the local, state and national levels.
College Republicans

The College Republicans at the Ohio State University join together to help elect Republican candidates, support the Republican agenda, and become the future leaders of the conservative movement. Our efforts—whether distributing campaign literature, campaigning in neighborhoods, placing lawn signs, or calling voters—make the difference in Republican victories and drive our party forward. We represent the elected officials and candidates for general election endorsed by the Franklin County Republican Party, Ohio Republican Party, and the Republican National Committee. As the voice of young conservatives, we serve as a constant Republican presence on campus and provide all students equal access to the opportunities that can be afforded by the chapter.
The American Enterprise Institute

The AEI OSU Chapter is an academic campus organization stemming from the DC think tank, the American Enterprise Institute, which aims to “defend the principles and improve the institutions of American freedom and democratic capitalism." We host traveling scholars from AEI to discuss their research and small group discussions on topics like defense and foreign policies, economic policy, political accountability, and other current events. We also host small reading groups in addition to our regular meetings, in partnership with the Alexander Hamilton Society at OSU. Members will be provided free copies of books that we will read and discuss at meetings. Examples of books-read include: "Chip War" by Chris Miller, "Getting China Wrong" by Aaron Friedberg, and "The Logic of American Nuclear Strategy" by Matthew Koenig.
Council on Minority Political Affairs

The purpose of Council on Minority Political Affairs (COMPA) is to create a space that caters towards the advancement and full and equal representation of minority students in the field of arts and sciences and to foster discussion between minority students and the university. COMPA will be an organization that offers a space to talk about political issues from the perspective of minority students; a resource offering career advice and opportunities for our members; and an organization that will show the younger generations of minority individuals that the political/civic arena is a viable option for their future.
PPE Society

The PPE (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics) Society at OSU encourages and fosters a community of students interested in examining current events and ethical issues from a wide variety of backgrounds and approaches. The PPE Society seeks to build a community of both PPE Majors and non-PPE majors alike. All OSU students are welcome to attend meetings.