Comparative Politics Workshop

Comparative Politics Workshop (CPW)

This workshop serves as a multi-disciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of research related to comparative politics. Past seminars have examined political identity, presidential power, voting rules, consolidation of party systems, economic sanctions, language politics, and ethnic mobilization. All methodologies, including case studies, statistics, formal theory, and interpretivist approaches are welcome. We encourage papers with a specific geographic focus, as well as broad cross-regional analyses. The mission of the workshop is to foster a vibrant intellectual exchange among comparativists, to bring students and faculty into contact with nationally recognized figures in the field of comparative politics, and to create a comfortable, professional environment for the development of faculty and graduate student research at all levels.

Questions? Please contact Professor, and CPW director, Jan Pierskalla (

Spring 2025 Schedule

CPW will be held on Wednesdays from 1 to 2pm in Derby Hall 2130. You may attend in-person in the Spencer Room (highly encouraged) or via Zoom.

Feb 12, 2025, Cecelia Kinney, "Coercive Currents: China’s Use of Fishing Vessels in the South China Sea."

Abstract: What drives China’s strategic use of non-military assets, such as fishing vessels, in the South China Sea? While traditional analyses of power projection focus on overt military, economic, or diplomatic actions, China’s deployment of civilian maritime actors reveals a subtler yet significant dimension of its influence. Using data from the Global Fishing Watch (GFW) and the South China Sea Data Initiative (SCSDI), I analyze spatial and temporal trends in fishing vessel activity from 2012 to 2022. This descriptive analysis examines patterns in fishing vessel presence alongside key geopolitical events, specifically maritime incidents. The findings contribute to understanding China’s power projection in the South China Sea in two key respects. First, they underscore the observable patterns of fishing vessels operating as instruments of coercion within the grey zone, which have often been overlooked in studies of power projection. Second, they suggest that non-military assets, such as fishing vessels, may shape regional dynamics by enabling subtler forms of influence, including territorial control and coercion, beyond direct military confrontations.

Feb 19, 2025, Jae Eun Jun, "Breaking Balance: Threat Perception Asymmetry in South Korea–Japan Relations."  

Introduction: Why do allies struggle to cooperate despite facing common threats? This paper examines threat perception asymmetry as a key factor shaping the unstable security relationship between South Korea and Japan. Despite a shared security patron in the U.S., democratic values, and common Communist adversaries, ROK-Japan security cooperation has fluctuated between cooperation and conflict. I argue that cooperation depends not just on the presence of threats but on whether allies perceive them at similar levels. When South Korea and Japan shared a symmetric threat perception, security cooperation strengthened. When their assessments diverged, tensions rose, and alliances weakened. Through historical case studies, this paper demonstrates how misaligned threat perceptions drive alliance instability, offering insights for strengthening modern U.S.-ROK-Japan security cooperation.

Feb 26, 2025, Tammie Finnegan, “He Shoots; He SCORES!” Chinese Stadium Diplomacy in Africa."

Abstract: This dissertation prospectus proposes to analyze China’s use of “Stadium Diplomacy” in Africa. Largely ignored by the political science literature, I argue that stadium diplomacy is a foreign policy tool wielded by China for geopolitical purposes. China seeks to gain adherence to its “One China” policy, to access natural resources across the continent of Africa, and to gain political clout in international organizations. In addition, I examine the effect of stadium diplomacy on African countries and leaders, as well as the consequences for mass politics.

Mar 5, 2025, Dr. Sarah Brooks, “Green Transition versus the Environment?: The Politics of Mining for Critical Minerals”. 

AbstractThe energy transition has created a global rush for critical minerals that are predominantly mined on land that is proximate to vulnerable communities, and in developing countries. The environmental toll thus incurs locally and immediately, while the benefits of the green transition are long-term, global, and subject to geopolitics. How do citizens in those mineral-rich countries evaluate the complicated trade-offs? We answer this question using a preregistered conjoint survey experiment with a national sample in Argentina, which is rich in lithium. In general, Argentines are favorable towards mining unless there are large local environmental damages. Environmental harm is by far the most important attribute that determines preferences, regardless of whether citizens are close to a mine or how many jobs are gained by the proposal. The utility of a mine for green technology modestly increases support. Argentines are much less willing to redistribute tax revenues to local communities when they are informed that the community is indigenous. Argentines consistently prefer mine ownership by the national state-owned company (YPF) over North American and especially Chinese firms, although such preferences vary with partisanship. These findings highlight the importance of reducing local harm in gaining national support for the mining of critical minerals.

Mar 19, 2025, Frank Liu, Fulbright Visiting Scholar at OSU and Professor from the Institute of Political Science at National Sun Yat-Sun University, "Partisan Dynamics and Democratic Passion: Taiwan’s 2008- and 2016-Party Turnovers and Democratic Resilience." 

Abstract: The intricate relationship between partisan identification and democratic attitudes is pivotal to understanding democratic resilience, yet it continues to spark scholarly debate. While partisanship often fosters political engagement, its potential to erode democratic norms under conditions of electoral polarization necessitates further exploration. This study applies the exploratory data analysis approach to examine voter attitudes toward democratic processes, drawing on two nationally representative datasets from face-to-face surveys conducted after Taiwan’s 2008 and 2016 presidential elections—key moments of party turnover. The findings challenge assumptions of uniform democratic support among Taiwanese voters, uncovering a complex dynamic where partisan affiliation significantly shapes attitudes toward democracy. A stark divide in passion for democracy is observed among partisans, contrasted with the indifference of nonpartisans. By shedding light on the interplay between partisanship and democratic attitudes in Taiwan’s political evolution, this research advances the study of democratic consolidation and partisan polarization. It also offers insights into the challenges faced by emerging democracies navigating intense partisan competition and value divides.

Mar 26, 2025, John Tengatenga, "Bottom-up Urbanization and Internal Self-Provision of Public Goods in Malawi."

Abstract: How do residents of informal urban settlements collaborate to provide public goods in their neighborhoods? This dissertation project investigates how residents in the developing world, particularly in Malawi, collectively provide public goods using their own resources. It proposes a theory of internal self-provision, emphasizing the role of block leaders in organizing and sustaining these efforts. Unlike top-down models where brokers act as intermediaries with the state, newly settled informal communities in Malawi independently organize public goods and services such as street signs and neighborhood security. The study also explores variation in the extent of internal self-provision across communities and examines its broader implications for state capacity. By focusing on the mechanisms that enable bottom-up provision in low-state-capacity contexts, this research will provide new insights into urban governance, informal institutions, and citizen-led development. 

Apr 2, 2025, Ben Falcon

Apr 9, 2025, Paige Bollen

Apr 16, 2025, Cameron Macaskill

Autumn 2024 Schedule

Sept 24, 2024, Amanda Robinson, "Survey of Traditional Authorities in Malawi."

Oct 1, 2024, José Pérez, "Street-level Bureaucrats and Venezuelan Migration to Brazil: Governmentality, Agency, and State Transformation."

Abstract: Over the past few years, Brazil has integrated over 425,000 Venezuelan migrants/refugees by resettling them to various municipalities, without any noticeable anti-immigrant backlash. Meanwhile, U.S. cities, like New York and Chicago, with considerably more resources and technology, have struggled to integrate about 119,000 Venezuelan and other migrants/refugees during recent years, and have experienced significant anti-immigrant backlash. This raises the question: how can states incorporate migrants/refugees into local communities and municipal public services, while avoiding social backlash? This article argues that street-level bureaucrats can play a key role in integrating migrants/refugees and reducing societal backlash, despite a lack of sophisticated software, detailed policy directives, or budgetary resources. I support these claims by employing recent Venezuelan migration to Brazil since 2017 as an in-depth case study of the contemporary relationship between migration influxes and local bureaucratic agents. Consequently, I contend that Brazilian street-level bureaucrats effectively integrate Venezuelan migrants/refugees by learning new skills, creating informal networks of support, socializing migrants/refugees within local norms, and searching for new resources. Research methods include an interpretative approach based on 290 semi-structured interviews and 60 participant observations with Brazilian bureaucrats and Venezuelan migrants/refugees, across multiple field sites. In effect, bureaucrats are not merely “cogs in the machine,” but rather they learn from quotidian interactions with migrants/refugees, in ways that are easily overlooked and difficult to quantify, especially in situations where they lack clear policy or legal directives on how to approach these populations.

Oct 8, 2024, Jack Fernandes, "Disaster Governance and Climate Adaptation in Malawi: Political Challenges and Opportunities."

Oct 29, 2024, Daniel Smith, "Built on Shifting Sands: Warfare and Extraction in Pre-modern Eurasia, 1000-1800 CE."

Abstract: Prominent explanations for Western Europe’s unique political development focus on the interaction between war and elite bargaining power. Severe external threats increased rulers' reliance on powerful non-state actors with military and fiscal endowments, resulting in concessions up to, and including, limited political inclusion. Those conditions are typically associated with the proliferation of noble councils in medieval Europe and the subsequent emergence of parliaments with legal autonomy and executive constraint capabilities. Yet war-centric models rest on the premise that rulers and elites have a shared interest in the polity's survival such that institutionalized bargaining is efficacious for both parties. I argue that realms where military elite bargaining advantage was greatest, where elite "exit" capacity was highest, were historically associated with both noble councils and transient political entities. That is, the probability of noble councils emerging within a given polity was inversely related to polity duration, restricting possibilities for institutional development. Moreover, I reframe European nobles' territorial embeddedness as a limitation on bargaining power, as it increased exit costs and bound their interests to those of the polity. I find support for these propositions using a novel dataset of over 150 sovereign or semi-sovereign political entities present in Eurasia between 1000 and 1799 CE. My findings suggest a more nuanced picture of how warfare and elite bargaining power shaped the political development of medieval and early modern societies. Bargaining only yielded environments conducive to broadening participation where elites shared a ruler's commitment to the polity, per se.

Nov 12, 2024. Erin Lin & Kaveri Sarkar, "Information Operations and Civilian Trust: Local Responses to US Aerial Warnings in Rural Cambodia During the Vietnam War."

Abstract: A large literature has found that winning the goodwill of the civilian population is a crucial factor in establishing military control. Consequently, wartime governments have invested massively in “hearts and minds” campaigns that distribute information and propaganda, aimed to inspire confidence and ultimately win over civilian support. Disagreement persists, however, about the efficacy of these campaigns. One prominent example occurred during the Vietnam War, where the military airdropped warnings to civilians about the incoming aerial attacks. Yet countless villagers from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia ignored the information and perished in the air raids. We examine where and why these efforts failed to protect civilians. Our paper provides preliminary interview data from three bombed Cambodian settlements; each village appears to have had a different response to the leaflet campaign, accompanied by distinct survival strategies and experiences of violence. Our interviews suggest that when village elites held meetings to interpret information and its trustworthiness, their influence and political alliances mediated the military’s preventative measures. We find that constituents today continue to adopt the foreign policy preferences of their local leaders, even as the US and China compete over individual hearts-and-minds through investment, infrastructure, and development assistance.

Nov 19, 2024, Sohyeon Kim, "Adapting to Urbanization: Political Party Strategies in response to Shifting Voters in sub-Saharan Africa."  

Abstract: Urbanization in sub-Saharan Africa is expected to bring about significant social changes with further political implications, especially where ethnic voting is prominent. How do sociodemographic changes in a society influence the behaviors of different political agents? Focusing on political parties, this research compares Malawi and Zambia to investigate how rural-urban migration affects party policies and strategies. I expect that rural-urban migration within a country reshapes party policies and strategies as parties respond to shifting voter bases and attitudes to maximize public support beyond traditional ethno-regional cleavages. In this paper, I analyze political party manifestos to compare current policies and strategies, examining how they have changed over time. I supplement these perspectives with interview data collected in January-February 2024.

Spring 2024 Schedule 

Mar 27, 2024, Jan Pierskalla, “Cadre Networks and Bureaucratic Careers in Autocracies.”

Apr 3, 2024, SoYun Chang (Coauthored with Alexander Thompson and Jieun Oh), "Public Support for Restrictive Border Policies During Transnational Health Crises." 

Apr 10, 2024, Zuheir Desai, "How do Gender Quotas Impact Accountability?”  

Spring 2023 Schedule

Feb 9, 2023, Marcus Kurtz

Feb 23, 2023, Jack Fernandes

Mar 9, 2023, Seamus Wagner

Mar 23, 2023, Amanda Robinson

Mar 30, 2023, Karis Neufeld

Apr 6, 2023, Soh Hyeon Kim