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Socio-Political Analysis and AI (SPAI)

(the image above is AI generated)

Good-to-Great Grant Program Investment for the Department of Political Science

The Department of Political Science was one of only nine programs across the entire University and Wexner Medical Center to be awarded a large, multi-year investment. This investment will push our program, already ranked approximately 15th in the nation, with many subfields consistently in the Top 10, into the next tier. The grant will support faculty hiring, post-doctoral researchers, graduate and undergraduate students all linked together around a shared theme: the scientific uses, regulatory challenges, and ethical implications of artificial intelligence technologies. This five-year, $2 million dollar investment is matched with college and departmental support and will help put OSU on the map as one of the premier institutions worldwide for research and training in the applications and implications of AI-assisted data analysis for the study of politics and governance. 

The funding for this investment begins in FY23-24, and runs for five years, with ongoing support from the College of Arts and Sciences expected thereafter. Information on the investment, and opportunities related to it, can be found below.

Upcoming Deadlines

  • Applications for support to employ undergraduate research assistants: TBD 
  • Applications for teaching release to support course development: TBD 
  • Applications for summer support to develop external grants: TBD 

Information on Socio-Political Analysis and AI Project

Information on Good-to-Great Investments

How to Apply?