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Political Science Undergraduate Ambassadors
Current Students

2024-2025 Political Science Undergraduate Ambassadors

Miles DiNardo

Miles DiNardo

Major: Political Science
Minor: Italian
Graduation Year: 2027
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH

I am the Secretary for the United Nations Association chapter on campus and a member of the Sierra Club, working with the Earth Day Committee. I am currently conducting research with Dr. Bart Elmore in the Environmental History Department. After I graduate, I plan on going to Law School. My favorite thing about Ohio State is attending all the different sporting events.

Nandita Gaddam

Nandita headshot

Major: Political Science
Minor: Public Policy
Graduation Year: 2025
Hometown: Lewis Center, OH

On campus, I am a Student Ambassador for the Political Science Department, a Project Coordinator for the Association for India's Development, a member of the Undergraduate Student Government's Justice and Equity Committee and the Ohio Government Internship Program, as well as a Peer Notetaker and Internship Mentor! Off-campus, I enjoy working as a lifeguard, aquatics instructor, and childcare coordinator at Mount Carmel Hospital and Fitness Center.

At Ohio State, I have worked as a Constituent Aide for The Ohio House of Representatives and as a Research Intern for the Supreme Court of Ohio. I plan to continue researching with Ohio Supreme Court Justices this summer, begin working with OSU Votes and Student Leadership Advocates, and intern at Capitol Hill as a member of the Washington Academic Internship Program (WAIP).

After graduation, I plan to attend law school to study criminal law. I aspire to be a prosecuting attorney and work on prison reform, civil rights, and immigration policy. Generally, I then plan to become a Supreme Court Justice and work in the legal field in various other roles.

Coming to Ohio State has allowed me to find opportunities I didn't know existed, and I am so grateful for the faculty and resources Ohio State offers! Go Bucks!

Connor Gartin

Major: Political Science
Minor: Creative Writing
Graduation Year: 2027
Hometown: Dublin, OH

I’m a Residential Advisor in Smith-Steeb Hall for the Law and Society Scholars, a first generation college student in Tri-Alpha, a member in Buckeye Leadership Fellows and the STEP Program, and I’m planning on interning in Washington D.C. through the WAIP Program for the 2025 summer. I also plan on going to law school after undergrad and aspire to travel around to different cities across the United States. My favorite thing about OSU is opportunity to connect with my peers. I always feel supported and uplifted to be my most authentic self.

Killian Hoyt

Killian Hoyt

Major: Political Science (Bachelor of Science)
Minors: Public Policy, Spanish
Graduation Year: 2026
Hometown: Toledo, OH

Beyond being an ambassador for the Political Science Department, I currently serve as the Director of Finance for the Residence Halls Advisory Council, where I distribute scholarships, grants, and programming funds to enrich the on-campus residential experience. I am also the Political Director for the OSU College Democrats, where I coordinate with local elected officials and leaders to bring speakers and opportunities to our club. I also serve as mentor for the John Glenn Living Learning community!

Off campus, I’ve also been busy working for Columbus’s Mayor Ginther, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, the Ohio Democratic Party, and Senator Sherrod Brown’s 2024 reelection campaign. After undergrad, I hope to work full time on campaigns and later attend law school.

My favorite part about OSU has been building my own community of support and making new friends every week!

Layla Mobin-Uddin


Majors: Political Science, International Studies
Minor: Spanish
Graduation Year: 2026
Hometown: Cranbury, NJ

I am a current Senate Page for State Senator Hearcel Craig and President of College Democrats. I was previously a communications intern for Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman in her DC and District offices last summer. I was a research assistant for Professor Ritchie in the summer of 2023 and have worked on a handful of campaigns the last few years. After graduation, I hope to go back to DC for a year or 2 before going to law school. My favorite thing about OSU is football season, the school spirit and endless amount of opportunities!

Naina Sarup 

Naina Sarup

Major: Political Science
Graduation Year: 2026
Hometown: Aurora, Illinois

I am involved with SCNO, a consulting club that helps non-profits all across America. I am also involved with USG. Lastly, I am involved with a fusion dance team, Buckeye Fusion, that competes all across America in a desi dance circuit.

I hope to attend law school.

Current Students

Our students are actively involved in a wide variety of activities on campus, in Columbus, and around the globe.

Meet a few of our current students and see how opportunities in the Department of Political Science have shaped their time at Ohio State!

Alexis Wade

Alexis Wade

Major: Political Science (Pre-Law)
Graduation Year: 2026

There is no community like the Buckeye community. No matter where you come from or where you want to end up, there is an opportunity for you to thrive here. I have made so many meaningful social and professional relations from my time within the Political Science department and I could not imagine my experience being anywhere else. These people will always support you, and you are bound to get where you want to go with a community like this behind you.

I am currently the Co-Chief of Staff of the Undergraduate Student Government and an intern for the Office of the City Manager of the City of Dublin. 

Upon graduating in May of 2026, I intend on enrolling in law school and pursuing my JD and MPA. Following graduation, I would like to practice law, possibly in the field of Intellectual Property.

Ava Burnham 

Ava Burnham profile

Major: Political Science (Pre-Law)
Graduation Year: 2025
Hometown: Powell, Ohio

I am involved in Swahili Club and scuba-diving. I am looking forward to finding jobs and internships while at Ohio State. I hope to work as a lawyer for the Innocence Project. I love it here at OSU

Olivia Edwards

Major: Political Science
Graduation Year: 2025
Hometown: Ironton, Ohio

I am in the collegiate band! I had an internship this semester with Aftab Pureval, who just won mayor of Cincinnati. I also work at Starbucks and have worked there for two years. I really want to go in policymaking one day. OH-

Joseph Fisher

Joseph Fisher headshot

Major: Political Science
Graduation Year: 2025
Hometown: Canton, Ohio

I am involved in the Foreign Policy group Alexander Hamilton Society (AHS), where I help make the AHS - IR (International Relations) Simulation. 

I am currently working as an Intern for Assistant Minority Leader Rep. Thomas West of District 49. As well I am applying to become a Page at the State House plus I am planning on becoming involved in upcoming political campaigns in the the near future.

I plan on either staying at Ohio State to obtain my Masters while being a graduate student teacher, or I plan on working in Washington DC within a governmental agency.

Riley Logan

Riley Logan Headshot 2

Major: Political Science
Graduation Year: 2025
Hometown: Worthington, Ohio

I do lots of fundraising for Special Olympics through an event called the Polar Plunge. Each year, my father and I host a fundraiser with live music and a silent auction with items donated by local community members. Along with this, I volunteer with dogs at Canine Collective, a no-kill dog shelter in Plain City, Ohio.

I currently work as an Office Assistant at the front desk of the Student Undergraduate Outreach and Recruitment office.

I plan on going to law school after my undergraduate years.

Lily Meienburg

Lily headshot

Majors: Political Science and Communications
Minors: Forensic Science and ASL
Graduation Year: 2025
Hometown: Findlay, Ohio

I am a member of Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority and on the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Committee, BBOC (Big Buckeye on Campus) Committee, and the Environmental Committee. I am also a member of Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity, Morrill Scholars Program, and Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society. Off campus, I also run my organization, Type Kind, to end misconceptions about invisible disabilities and encourage inclusivity and bullying prevention.

I am planning an internship with the National Park Service this summer as a Media Accessibility Intern.

I plan to attend law school in order to become a lawyer, while I am still determining my specialty.

Over the past 18 months I have been lobbying within the Ohio Statehouse for House Bill 37, for emergency prescription refills. I testified in both the House of Representatives and the the Senate and was able to attend the Governor's signing of the bill into law on March 2.

Megan O'Connor

Megan O'Connor Headshot

Major: Political Science
Minor: Public Policy
Graduation Year: 2025
Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio

I am a member of the Ohio State Women’s Rowing Team and OSU’s Ohio Innocence Project chapter.

Currently I am an intern on Nan Whaley’s campaign for Governor of Ohio. My senior year of high school I volunteered for Kate Schroder’s campaign for Ohio’s first congressional district as a member of her field team. I also try to work the polls during elections. I worked as a poll worker during the 2020 election!

Following graduation, I hope to work on campaigns around the country to gain experience, meet new people, and support progressive politicians. Eventually I aspire to do work pertaining to legislation and policy, either for a politician, company, or lobbying organization.

Ohio State has given me the opportunities to challenge myself academically and personally as I have explored new avenues of learning and viewing the world around me.

Mackenzie Sapp

Sapp Headshot

Majors: Political Science and International Relations
Minor: French
Graduation Year: 2025
Hometown: Powell, Ohio

I am a Governmental Relations Committee Representative in the Undergraduate Student Government, as well as a member of the Guiding Eyes for the Blind club on campus. This semester, I am participating in Semester of Service, a volunteering project managed by the University Honors Program with a focus on LGBTQ+ legislative reform. I work as an Operations Assistant in the Ohio Union, and in my free time I like to attend the group fitness classes offered at the OSU gyms.

I am currently interning with Equality Ohio, a nonprofit organization based out of Columbus. I work in a coalition with other Columbus nonprofits to write testimony, plan events, and spread information in regard to honesty in education.

After undergrad, I plan to attend law school, earn my JD, and become a civil rights lawyer. Eventually, I might consider running for public office!

Ethan Sergio

Ethan Sergio Headshot

Major: Political Science
Graduation Year: 2025
Hometown: Granville, Ohio

On campus, I attend many after-class seminars. Off campus, I have an internship with a start-up political action committee.

I have an internship with the Licking County Democrats Club and with Voices for Juvenile Justice in Columbus, Ohio. We are currently working on proposing legislature for the Ohio General Assembly for juvenile justice reform.

I plan to work with a lobbyist organization to reform the prison system and provide more aid to those who struggle with addiction.

Being a student at Ohio State has given me something in my life to be proud of, and I hope everyone has the same experience in college that I have had. OSU has allowed me to see so many new perspectives and greatly broaden my horizons.

Lily Smith

Lily Smith Headshot

Major: Political Science
Minor: Environmental, Economic, Development, and Sustainability minor
Graduation Year: 2025
Hometown: New Boston, New Hampshire

I am in LSS (law and society scholars) program and AWOW (Advocates for women of the world). I also volunteer back home over breaks at CareGivers of southern NH. 

I hope to become an Environmental Lawyer or work with Environmental Policy in a governmental position

I came to Ohio State not knowing anyone which I thought would be very hard for me, but it has been the greatest transition of my life.

Paul Topalov

Paul Headshot

Major: Political Science
Minor: Russian
Graduation Year: 2025
Hometown: Sidney, Ohio

I am involved in the United Macedonian Diaspora & Russian Student Association.

I am on the Pre-Law Track and have a goal of working in foreign policy between the United States and the countries within the Balkan Peninsula.

Luke Vander Vort

Luke Vander Vort Headshot

Major: Political Science
Minor: Russian
Graduation Year: 2025
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota

I am involved in Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, Intramurals, Russian Student Organization, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. 

I am currently planning on working for the University Department of Public Safety, as well as possibly participating in an 8-week Russian summer immersion program.

I hope to work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation or CIA before going to law school to pursue a J.D or LLM.

Alexandra Webb

Alexandra Webb Headshot

Major: Political Science and Journalism
Minor: Communications
Graduation Year: 2025
Hometown: Newark, Ohio

I am the chair of Community and Wellness along with Backburner Sketch Comedy. I am also interning at Millennial Action Project. I have also been the chair of sustainability along with being in 4 Paws for Ability freshmen year.

I plan on becoming a political journalist.