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Undergraduate Experience

Follow Your Interests

We offer three distinct majors, with eleven specializations, so your education is tailored to fit your interests and goals. Explore our BA in Political Science, BS in Political Science, and BA in World Politics programs.

Learn From the Best

Our faculty are world-renowned leaders in the field. They’re published in prestigious journals, win awards for scholarship, comment on current affairs on NPR… and now you have the chance to take classes with them, or even write a thesis under their supervision!

Headshot of Dr. Alex Wendt

Featured Faculty: Dr. Alexander Wendt

Professor Alexander Wendt was named the most influential scholar in the field of International Relations in the last twenty years. Dr. Wendt currently teaches Political Science 4305: International Theory.

“The professors have always been very willing to work with me. I’ve never felt like a number that you hear about so often within big universities like Ohio State. I’ve always felt the department has time for me and actually cares about whether I succeed or fail.” – Kaitlyn Willette (Class of 2017)

"Pursuing a Political Science degree at Ohio State is invaluable because of the quality of professors in this program. For me, being in this major literally means learning from the best - the premier political scientists are here, and that is very exciting." - Tessa Reinhard (Class of 2012)

“The Political Science department has influenced just about every aspect of my undergraduate career. The faculty and staff are not only academically excellent, but also are always willing to be advocates for students.” – Max Mauerman (Class of 2016)

"Throughout my time at Ohio State, the rigor of the classes and the high expectations of the faculty helped shape me into a better analyst, a better writer, a better problem-solver, and into a better citizen." - TJ Beavers (Class of 2016)

Unique Classes

The timeframe is 2017-2020. The world as we know it is being shaped by students.

Welcome to The Diplomatic Game, an exercise in diplomacy that has been part of Political Science Professor Richard Herrmann’s Strategies of War and Peace class for 30 years. Over the course of three weeks, students take over the 11th floor of the Thompson Library, and the world. Twenty countries, governed by a small cabinet of students and their heads of state, determine the world’s fate.

Jumpstart Your Career

Going to school in Columbus puts you at the center of a regional and national hub for politics and commerce, which affords a myriad of opportunities for internships and future employment. 

“OSU is great because students can get a taste of the real world before we have to face it in full force. Because we are so close to the downtown area, students can get internship experience working for firms and organizations that allow them to gain industry experience.” – Hyeji Kim (Political Science Student)

“Being able to get my feet wet as an intern at a law firm has reaffirmed my drive to go to law school.” – Austin Shafer-Farmer (intern at Manley Deas Kochalski)

“As a part-time employee of the Ohio Governor’s Office, I am getting firsthand experience working for an executive office. I am very lucky to attend a school located in our state capitol - otherwise I would not have this opportunity.” – Rylee Welker (intern at the Ohio Governor’s Office)

Go Global

Photo of students in Canada

Our students have the chance to study abroad through prestigious exchange programs at SciencesPo (France), the University of Mannheim (Germany) Leiden University (the Netherlands) and The Ohio State Study Abroad in Poland (Warsaw Summer School). They can also spend a summer studying at Oxford University or working in the Canadian Parliament. Ohio State offers over 100 study abroad programs in more than 40 different countries.

"Studying field research methods in Malawi transformed how I understand politics.  This intense and immersive experience helped me analytically dissect the subtle yet decisive ways political science shapes our world."  -- Michael Vargo (Political Science Student)

"SciencesPo proved to be the most rigorous and remarkable academic adventure of my life. Interacting with students from around the globe and with students who call France home reframed my perception of politics.” – Steven Mahr (Political Science Student)

Get Involved Outside the Classroom

photo of student at the involvement fair

Ohio State is home to over 1000 student organizations, so there are plenty of ways to make friends and find your place on campus. The Department of Political Science supports several student groups, including The Collegiate Council on World Affairs, Mock Trial at OSU, and the Journal of Politics and International Affairs. Explore our student groups here.