Dr. Jan Box-Steffensmeier Named Distinguished University Professor
Last week, Dr. Jan Box-Steffensmeier was named a Distinguished University Professor by The Ohio State University Office of Academic Affairs. The Office of Academic Affairs awards the permanent, honorific title of Distinguished University Professor on a competitive basis to full professors who have truly exceptional records in teaching, in research, scholarly or creative work, and in service. Distinguished University Professors automatically become members of the President’s and Provost’s Advisory Committee. In addition, recipients are awarded a $30,000 one-time grant to support their academic work and are expected to maintain a regular program of teaching/ mentorship, research, scholarly or creative work, and service.
Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier is Vernal Riffe Professor of Political Science and Professor of Sociology by courtesy. Read more about Dr. Box-Steffensmeier by visiting her faculty page. Congratulations Dr. Box-Steffensmeier, we are so proud of you and thankful for your continued service to our department and the university as a whole!