Janet Box-Steffensmeier, Vernal Riffe Professor of Political Science, was recently honored as the winner of APSA's Frank J. Goodnow Award for 2023. The Goodnow Award honors service to the community of teachers, researchers, and public servants who work in the many fields of politics. The APSA Council created the Goodnow Award in 1996 to honor the outstanding contributions of individuals, groups and public and private organizations to both the development of the political science profession and the building of the American Political Science Association. The Goodnow Award is named for Frank J. Goodnow, APSA's first president and an exemplar of the public service and volunteerism that this award represents.
Professor Box-Steffensmeier joins other Ohio State faculty and alumni as winners of the Goodnow Award. Other Ohio State recipients include Howard Silver (2013), Paul Beck(2005), Cathy Rudder (2001), and Samuel C. Patterson (2000). These five winners represent 10% of all Goodnow awardees.
Congratulations, Professor Box-Steffensmeier!