Visions in Methodology

Visions in Methodology 2011 (VIM)

General Information

From May 4-7, 2011 Ohio State University will host a conference entitled Visions in Methodology: A Workshop for Women in Political Methodology. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Ohio State University, the workshop brings together junior and senior women faculty working in political methodology. Conference participants can look forward to:

  • Scholarly research presentations
  • Feedback on research from conference participants
  • Sessions on career and gender topics (e.g., networking, mentoring, balancing family and work, women in the classroom)


The conference is part of a broader goal of supporting activities for women in the field of political methodology that are funded by the NSF. The activities are intended to create networks and opportunities, as well as to plug the "leaky pipeline" for women in the field of political methodology where women are under-represented. The new initiative implements recommendations from the recent National Academy of Sciences reports, the APSA Workshop on the Advancement of Women in Academic Political Science, and the 2006 Political Methodology Long Range Strategic Planning Committee Report.

Featured Senior Scholars for Spring 2011:

  • Nancy Burns, University of Michigan
  • Caroline Tolbert, University of Iowa

Note: All papers to be presented at the conference will be posted approximately two weeks prior to the conference.

Go to the Official VIM Conference Site

VIM 2008 Conference

VIM 2011 Conference