Daniel Verdier

Daniel Verdier

Daniel Verdier

Professor Emeritus


614 292-2880

154 N Oval Mall
Columbus, OH

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Areas of Expertise

  • Modern and current history of banking
  • History of trade—North America, Western Europe
  • International Institutional Design—postwar and recent
  • Game theory

Daniel Verdier is Professor of Political science at The Ohio State University. (PhD., University of California, Berkeley.) He joined OSU in 2003. Verdier previously was at the University of Chicago and at the European University Institute.

Verdier is noted internationally for his historical research on international trade (Democracy and international Trade: Britain, France, and the United States, 1860-1990 [1994]) and international finance (Moving Money: Banking and Finance in the Industrialized World [2002]). His recent research, mostly formal, focuses on international economic sanctions and on selective features of international institutions: (i) multilateralism, (ii) informal governance, (iii) market governance, and (iv) complex governance.

My Research

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