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Brian Pollins

Brian Pollins

Brian Pollins

Associate Professor Emeritus


Brian M. Pollins (Ph.D., MIT, 1981), Associate Professor Emeritus and a Retired Research Fellow from the Mershon Center at the Ohio State University. Previously, he held positions as a Research Scientist at the Science Center Berlin (WZB) in Germany, and as Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan School of Business. He also served as the co-editor of International Studies Quarterly from 1991 through 1995, and as Chair of the Publications Committee for the International Studies Association 2006-Present. Pollins has taught for over twenty five years in the ICPSR Summer Program in statistics at the University of Michigan, and – as of 2013 – at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. His published research has included works on statistical methods, social science epistemology, and international relations. Many of these publications focus on the effects of international political relations on global trade flows, global economic conditions and armed conflict, and the political implications of recent growth in global capital markets. This work has appeared in Conflict Management and Peace ScienceJournal of Conflict Resolution, International Studies QuarterlyAmerican Journal of Political Science, and American Political Science Review. Pollins was recently elected to membership in the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London. He currently resides in Pacific Grove, California, USA, with his wife, Dr. Victoria Clement, who teaches at The Naval Postgraduate School.

Thank you for visiting my page. Well over a thousand students have asked for the “Blue Bible” from my Regression II course (the students themselves gave it that name). You can find the most recent edition here (coming soon) and download it if you wish.

I also deliver popular lectures to graduate student audiences concerning how to get published in academic journals. The first concerns “How Do you Know Good Research When You See It?” which you can find here.pdf. The second item helps you understand what journal editors look for in an ideal review. If you can deliver here.pdf, journal editors will love you. Believe me, that really helps when you submit your manuscript for review! Seriously, delivering good reviews is a matter of professional citizenship. My own work has benefitted so much from thoughtful reviews. Yes, they are a burden. But it’s karma, right?

Next, if you wish to see my CV, you can find it here.pdf.