Marcus J. Kurtz
Interim Chair and College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Political Science
2160 Derby Hall
154 N. Oval Mall
Columbus, OH
Areas of Expertise
- Political Methodology
- Comparative Politics
- Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
Professor Kurtz has research and teaching interests in the areas of comparative politics, democratization, political economy and development, with a focus on Latin America and South Africa. His publications have appeared in such journals as American Journal of Political Science, World Politics, Comparative Politics, Comparative Political Studies, the British Journal of Political Science, International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Politics, Politics & Society, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Social Forces, and Theory and Society. His books, entitled Free Market Democracy and the Chilean and Mexican Countryside and Latin American State Building in Comparative Perspective: Social Foundations of Institutional Order are available at Cambridge University Press. Other ongoing research examines the role of the state in economic development, the cross-national measurement of state capability or governance, the relationship between natural resource wealth and political regime, as well as the effects of property rights regimes on inequality and development.
Selected Publications:
2022. "Oil 'Rents' and Political Development: What Do We Really Know about the Curse of Natural Resources?" (with Sarah Brooks) Forthcoming, Comparative Political Studies, Vol 55:2.
2021. "Does Free Market Reform Induce Protest? Selection, Post-Treatment Bias, and Depoliticization" with Adam Lauretig. British Journal of Political Science Vol. 52:2.
2021. "The Social Construction of the Regulatory Burden: Methodological and Substantive Considerations" with Andrew Schrank. Social Forces Vol 99:3.
2016. “Oil and Democracy: Endogenous Natural Resources and the Political ‘Resource Curse’” with Sarah Brooks. International Organization Vol. 70:2.
2013. Latin American State Building in Comparative Perspective: Social Foundations of Institutional Order. (New York: Cambridge University Press).
2012. “Paths to Financial Policy Diffusion: Statist Legacies in Latin America's Globalization [pdf]” (with Sarah Brooks). International Organization Vol. 66:1 (January).
2011. "Conditioning the Resource Curse: Globalization, Human Capital, and Growth in Oil Rich Nations [pdf]" (with Sarah Brooks) Comparative Political Studies Vol. 44:6 (June).
2009. "The Social Foundations of Institutional Order: Reconsidering War and the Resource Curse in Third World State Building [pdf]" (with Sarah Brooks) Politics & Society Vol. 37:4 (December). Winner: Best paper award, Political Sociology Section, American Sociological Association, 2010.
2008. "Embedding Neoliberal Reform in Latin America [pdf]" (with Sarah Brooks) World Politics Vol. 60:2 (January).
2007. "Capital, Trade, and the Political Economies of Reform [pdf]" (with Sarah Brooks) American Journal of Political Science Vol. 51:4 (October).
2007a. "Growth and Governance: Models, Measures, and Mechanisms [pdf]" (with Andrew Schrank) Journal of Politics Vol. 69:2 (May).
2007b. "Growth and Governance: A Defense [pdf]" (with Andrew Schrank) Journal of Politics Vol. 69:2 (May).
2005. "Credit Where Credit is Due: Open Economy Industrial Policy and Export Diversification in Latin America and the Caribbean [pdf]" (with Andrew Schrank) Politics & Society Vol. 33:4 (December).
2005. "The Political Economy of Intellectual Property Protection: The Case of Software [pdf]" (with Kenneth Shadlen and Andrew Schrank) International Studies Quarterly Vol. 49:1 (March).
2004. "The Dilemmas of Democracy in the Open Economy: Lessons from Latin America [pdf]" World Politics Vol. 56:2 (January).
2004. Free Market Democracy and the Chilean and Mexican Countryside (New York: Cambridge University Press).
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