Two Political Science Faculty Help Organize COMPAS Fall Conference

October 3, 2013

Two Political Science Faculty Help Organize COMPAS Fall Conference

Michael Neblo, the Coordinator of the COMPAS program in the Center for Ethics and Human Values and Eric MacGilvray, the co-leader of the Democratic Governance Group in the Center for Ethics and Human Values, are two of our faculty who worked to bring the COMPAS fall conference, Public/Private: Oppositions and Opportunities, to campus this year. The conference takes place on Thursday, October 3 and Friday, October 4th on the 11th floor of Thompson Library.

Professor Neblo will be a discussant on a panel on Thursday from 3:00 - 4:30 PM that will cover “Privacy & Public Health” along with Hagop Mekhjian (Associate Vice President, Health Sciences Administration, OSU) and Susan Lawrence (History, OSU).  He will also be moderating a panel on Friday.

In addition to the events at the library, a lecture by Ezekiel Emanuel will take place on Thursday, October 3 at 6:00pm in Room 106, Meiling Hall, West 9th Avenue (co-sponsored with the Humanities Institute) and a keynote address by Cass Sunstein will take place on Friday, October 4 at 2:00pm in the U.S. Bank Theater in the Ohio Union.

For the full schedule and more information about the conference, visit the COMPAS website.

The COMPAS program aims to demonstrate how the University’s comprehensive intellectual resources can be aligned along their ethical dimension in order to help solve some of the serious problems confronting us. Through the COMPAS program, we hope not only to establish a new, more expansive model for a university ethics center, but to show how ethical concern provides a basis for productive exchange on complex social issues among researchers from diverse fields, and between the University and the broader community.