Political Science Major Teaches Model UN in South Korea

February 7, 2014

Political Science Major Teaches Model UN in South Korea

Erik Leiden,  in group of fifteen trainers at the World Federation of United Nations Association (WFUNA) Youth Forum.

Political Science major, Erik Leiden, was selected to be a Trainer at the World Federation of United Nations Association (WFUNA) Youth Forum Korea from January 3-18, 2014 in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Erik was one of fifteen trainers that taught a group of eighty-eight delegates competitively selected in South Korea. The trainers represented a wide array of countries and institutions including the Bulgaria youth representative to the UN, employees of the UN association, and the Secretaries Generals from a wide array of model UN conferences around the globe.

Erik was selected based on his experience with public speaking, model United Nations, Best Delegate role, and knowledge of the millennium development goals and sustainable development goals. Each trainer had to apply to the program and then undergo an interview process. In addition, Erik is the current Secretary General of the Collegiate Council on World Affairs, a Department student organization here on campus. He applied for the program because he believed it would allow him the opportunity to be able to learn a lot about how the UN is reaching out to the youth and the global effort of the UN to educate students about international development. Furthermore, he felt that it was a great experience to travel to a new country and see and experience a new culture.  Erik explains more about his time in Korea and about his campus involvement:

"I honestly would never have been chosen to participate at this event without my experiences with the Ohio State Political Science Department. The Political Science Department has sent me to conferences around the country, leading to my being selected for the WFUNA Youth Forum, and classes such as "The United Nations System" with Dr. Thompson prepared me to teach the content of the Youth Forum to my students. Without Poli Sci, I would never have had such an incredible experience."

Eric Leiden."The Collegiate Council on World Affairs is fortunate enough to be connected to the companies and NGOs putting on these forums, camps, and conferences around the world, so CCWA members have the unique opportunity to be selected for events like this forum, or the Global Classrooms International Model United Nations Conference held at the UN Headquarters, or Best Delegate Summer Camps around North America each summer. I'd highly recommend joining CCWA to anybody who is interested in teaching the next generation of leaders about the UN, or in travelling to host or compete at conferences around the country." 

The program objective was to teach the students about model united nations, public speaking, sustainable development, how to build a successful NGO, and about the actual United Nations system.  The classrooms were comprised of students from elementary, middle school, and high school age levels. The Korean universities selected representatives to help the trainers oversee the day-to-day activities. Students participated in a three day model UN conference as well as making videos and posters for different NGOs. The program was sponsored by the World Federation of the United Nations Association, Microsoft Korea, Best Delegate, The Hopes to the Future Foundation, and the UN Department of Public Information. 

It has been exciting to follow Erik over the past year during all of his travel experiences. We look forward to seeing what he decides to do next and where that will take him.