PoliSci Team Participate in Buckeye Wellness Amazing Race

September 4, 2013

PoliSci Team Participate in Buckeye Wellness Amazing Race

Alicia Anzivine, Diana Camella, Elizabeth Kloss and Courtney Sanders are four staff members from the department of political science that took the challenge to participate in the recent Buckeye Wellness Amazing Race. They entered the team competition based on the reality show “The Amazing Race” held on August 28th taking place on OSU’s campus. The event was composed of teams of three to five participants on a journey throughout campus to encounter the 9 pillars of wellness while engaging in physical activity.

On the sweltering hot afternoon, teams were given a scorecard that had to be completed and returned within 90 minutes. Teams were allowed to use any mode of transportation to get from one destination to the next so the PoliSci Team used scooters to move through campus. They found themselves looking for trees on the oval, inspiring others with quotes at the business school, answering trivia questions at the softball field and doing a word game at the school of nursing. Their inspirational quote that you can see on the sidewalk near the business school was, “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.”

The event was part of the overall university initiative to encourage faculty, staff and students to live a healthy life. For more information about upcoming events sponsored by Your Plan for Health, visit their website. Keep an eye out for the PoliSci team and the rest of the department as they get geared up for Hit the Road with the Buckeyes.