Event: Markets in Pettit’s Republicanism

January 21, 2014

Event: Markets in Pettit’s Republicanism

OSU Political Theory Workshop

The OSU Political Theory Workshop is pleased to present our first meeting of the spring semester:

“Markets in Pettit’s Republicanism”
Eric MacGilvray, OSU Political Science
Discussant: Daniel Skinner, Ohio University

Monday, January 27, 3.30pm
Spencer Room (2130 Derby Hall)

Abstract [pdf]:
In this paper I argue that republican freedom is best thought of as a complement, rather than an alternative, to a contrasting view that I call market freedom. I focus on the recent work of Philip Pettit, who offers the most sophisticated and far-reaching contemporary defense of republican freedom, and who denies this claim. I argue that by associating freedom with fitness to be held responsible in discourse, Pettit overlooks the various ways in which we can properly be described as free when we behave irresponsibly from the standpoint of society; when we disregard, fall short of, or even exceed the social expectations that have been placed upon us. I conclude that it may sometimes be appropriate to sacrifice a certain amount of republican freedom for the sake of more market freedom, just as it may sometimes be appropriate to sacrifice a certain amount of market freedom for the sake of more republican freedom.

Paper [pdf]

The Political Theory Workshop is a forum for the presentation of new research in all varieties of political theory and political philosophy, including work in the history of political thought; contributions to normative political theory; theoretical engagements with problems in contemporary politics and public policy; and theoretical reflection on fundamental political concepts or phenomena.

Questions? Please contact PTW co-coordinators Inés Valdez and Benjamin McKean.

[pdf] - Some links on this page are to Adobe .pdf files, requiring Adobe Reader. If you need them in a more accessible format please contact  Inés Valdez or Benjamin McKean.