Department Hosts Welcome Back Reception and Honors Graduate Students
The start of a new year always gives the department something to celebrate! This year we welcomed eight incoming grad students and honored four of our current students at our annual welcome back reception held at the faculty club.
Below is the list of award winners from the event.
Aman award for Best Paper went to Kyle Larson for his paper titled, "Bipolarity, Multipolarity, and Free Trade Revisited."
Aumann award for Best Conference Presentation went to Agnar Helgason for his presentation titled "Income-based Voting and Polarization over Redistribution under Alternative Electoral Systems," presented at MPSA in April 2013.
Henry R. Spencer Award for Best Dissertation went to Joshua Kertzer for his dissertation titled, "Resolve in International Relations."
The Spencer Distinguished Teaching Award went to current fifth year student Jess Goode.
Please help us welcome our new students and give congratulations to those who won this year!