Andrea Flaute and Her Canadian Parliament Intership Experience

July 22, 2013

Andrea Flaute and Her Canadian Parliament Intership Experience

Andrea Flaute and Charlie Angus

Andrea Flaute, a third year Political Science major, had the amazing opportunity of interning for a Member of Parliament in Canada as part of the Canadian Parliament Internship offered by the Department of Political Science this past summer. She explains below what she gained from the experience.

“Interning with a Member of Parliament in Canada is most definitely the best internship anyone could experience! I was able to be a part of the Canadian Government in a way that no other government could have offered. I worked in the office of Charlie Angus, M.P for Timmins-James Bay. Charlie showed me things that most Canadian citizens will never have the chance to see. I was included in all his committee meetings, press conferences, bill readings, house activities, social receptions and daily ins and outs of his office. His office staff trusted me with correspondence and encouraged me to give my opinions on amendments to bills that were going through the house. Some of my work even made it into the national news! I was also able to meet some of the most important people in Canadian politics. Outside the office is a whole other experience. Ottawa is a great city to spend time in. As a group we also traveled to a few cities in other parts of Canada. Dr. Ripley prepared us more than any group and Dr. Baker did a good job of lining up activities to make my experience even more memorable. This internship really was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I could not be happier with my experience!”