March 28, 2025
2130 Derby Hall
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2025-03-28 10:00:00
2025-03-28 11:30:00
Department Speaker Series: Sharece Thrower
Sharece Thrower is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Chancellor’s Faculty Fellow at Vanderbilt University. Her research interests include American political institutions, separation of powers politics, inter-branch policymaking, and executive power.
2130 Derby Hall
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2025-03-28 11:00:00
2025-03-28 12:30:00
Department Speaker Series: Sharece Thrower
Sharece Thrower is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Chancellor’s Faculty Fellow at Vanderbilt University. Her research interests include American political institutions, separation of powers politics, inter-branch policymaking, and executive power.
2130 Derby Hall
Sharece Thrower is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Chancellor’s Faculty Fellow at Vanderbilt University. Her research interests include American political institutions, separation of powers politics, inter-branch policymaking, and executive power.