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Tradition, Progress, and Utopia

POLITSC 3002: Tradition, Progress, and Utopia

Examines how different ways of thinking about social and political change shape our understanding of philosophy, politics, and economics.
Prereq: Econ 2001.XX or 2002.01 or 2002.03H; and Philos 2400 or PolitSc 2400 or 2400H; and Econ 5001 or Philos 2500 or 5540 or PolitSc 4553 or 4553H; and Philos 3300; and Econ 3400 or IntStds 3400 or PolitSc 3780 or 3780H; and PolitSc 4280 or 4380. Not open to students with credit for Econ 3002 or Philos 3002. Cross-listed in Econ and Philos.
Credit Hours