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For the first time in Ohio State history, the Ohio State Mock Trial team qualified for the National Championship Tournament in Orlando, Florida. The purpose of the Undergraduate student Mock Trial…

The department would like to welcome Jan Pierskalla, a new faculty member in political science.  Professor Pierskalla specializes in the study of comparative politics, in particular topics…

The 2013-2014 school year marked the debut of the Sciences Po study abroad program through the Political Science Department. In the fall, Rebecca Izzi and Luke Fesko had the amazing opportunity of…

Alison Craig, a PhD candidate who studies American Politics, was recently award a prestigious 3 year NSF grant to complete her dissertation research. This grant recognizes and supports outstanding…

Each spring the Political Science Department holds an Undergraduate Spring Reception to honor the political science majors' outstanding achievements. The guest speaker for the 2014 event was Mr.…

The 2013-2014 school year marks the third year in a row for Ohio State University’s Model African Union team to be invited to the national conference that took place in Washington, D.C. at Howard…

This has been a banner year for Collegiate Council on World Affairs – over the last two semesters, the organization has grown into one of the Ohio State University’s largest and most active…

We are excited to announce our two new degree programs: Bachelor of Science in Political Science and the Bachelor of Arts in World Politics. 

Bachelor of Arts in World Politics


OSU Political Theory Workshop

The OSU Political Theory Workshop is pleased to present:

Feb 24: “Reading Capital with Being and Time”
Joel Wainwright, Department of Geography, OSU