% This is a generic LaTeX file to generate letterhead for % members of the OSU Political Science Department. % The website will not accept .tex files, so the first thing % you need to do is change the suffix from .txt to .tex. % Then make sure that the PSLetterhead.pdf file is in the same % directory, and compile away. % Version 1.0, September 15, 2015 \documentclass[11pt]{letter} \usepackage{graphicx} \signature{Your Name\\ \footnotesize{Your Rank\\ Department of Political Science}} \newcommand{\placeletterheadtwelvept}{\vspace*{-2in} \hspace{-1.35in} \includegraphics[scale=1]{PSLetterhead.pdf}\vspace*{0.2in}} \newcommand{\placeletterheadelevenpt}{\vspace*{-1.8in} \hspace{-1.4in} \includegraphics[scale=0.9]{PSLetterhead.pdf}\vspace*{0.4in}} \newcommand{\placeletterheadtenpt}{\vspace*{-2.1in} \hspace{-1.5in} \includegraphics[scale=1]{PSLetterhead.pdf}\vspace*{0.2in}} \AtBeginDocument{% \pdfpageheight=11in \pdfpagewidth=8.5in } \begin{document} \begin{letter}{\vspace{-0.4in}~~} \placeletterheadelevenpt \opening{To Whom it May Concern,} ... \closing{Thank you and best regards,} \end{letter} \end{document}